This scheme is funded by tax money based on the public budget passed by Saxon State Parliament.


First move of the WCCD 2015
Nigel Freeman
Frauenkirche Dresden, Church of Our Lady

4th FIDE World Chess Championships for People with Disabilities

Organization Team 1st WTCD 2018

DSC 4666Team 1st WTCD 2018

Partien der WTCD 2018 / Games WTCD 2018

Hier sind die Partien der WTCD 2018 / here are the games in: chessbase

Interview with Valeria Panina

IMG 0005Jamie Kenmure had the opportunity to interview Valeria Panina from the Russia Women Deaf Team. Read here how she came to chess and what she likes to do in here spare time:

Jamie Kenmure: Hi Valeria, thank you for taking the time to have this interview with me. Can you kindly tell me a little bit about yourself and how did you get into chess?

Valeria Panina: I am still attending school and next summer I will finish and plan to go to college to study to be a dental technician. I began chess at the age of 11.

JK: I see you are from Voronezh in Russia, how did you find out about this tournament and what do you think about the conditions, playing hall and the organisation?

VP: For me it’s the first time I have come to Dresden, Germany. I have liked it very much so far. The organization regarding the venue, conditions like hotel and food has been excellent.

JK: How long have you been playing chess for?

VP: I got involved at school through the chess club that we had. For me the chess club looked very interesting. I began learning the sport and then went into the club and started playing.

JK: Have you heard about the World Junior Championship for Disabled which has happened for the last 2 years in USA and would you be interested in playing in the USA in this tournament?

VP: I am definitely interested in playing in the World Junior Chess Championship for Disabled. I like to travel overseas and to meet new people. I want to know more about chess and challenge myself against strong opposition, against new people, to develop my skills further in chess. This is my first time playing overseas here in Dresden and it would be great to play in the USA.

JK: Finally, in your spare time what do you like to do?

VP: I love chess, volleyball and art. I am interested in many things as I am opened minded. It depends on how I feel at the time.

JK: Thank you very much for your time and good luck for the rest of tournament.

VP: Thank you very much.

Dr. Dirk Jordan about the challenge to organize the 1st WTCD/Dr. Dirk Jordan über die Herausforderung die 1. WTCD zu organisieren

DSC 4617 Interwiew with Dr. Dirk JordanTake a look at the Interview with Dr. Dirk Jordan

Report from round 1 - 3

Three rounds of the 1st FIDE World Team Chess Championship for the Disabled 2018 have been played by the chess players of nine combined teams.
Good start of the IPCA Russian team in the first round, with 4-0 result against their compatriots from the Russian Women Deaf team was one of the best results during the played rounds of the team competition. German DGSV 1920 e.V. and Russia Deaf could not decide who is stronger in Round 1 and finished with 2 – 2 result. Niedersachsen outplayed their younger compatriots from Deutschland Jugend with 3.5 – 0.5. The young Linus Koll with 1976 managed to make a draw against stronger Sven Hagemann from the opponents’ team.
The second round was not very successful for IPCA Russia: former World Champion for the Disabled Andrei Obodchuk lost to his opponent from Niedersachsen Marco Drewes and there was a team draw scored
Polish deaf team had the best performance in Round 2 with 3.5 – 0.5 against Youth Chess Team Russia. It is worth to mention herewith that Youth Chess Team Russia is presented only with two female players. But the organizers have decided to add two more players from the volunteering chess players from Germany to complete the team and to let players from Russia participate in the event.
In the third round Niedersachsen was not lucky and lost to the Deaf Poland team 0.5 – 3.5 with only one draw Jerzy Strzelecki vs Marco Drewes. DGSV 1920 e.V. and IPCA Russia won with 3 – 1 Russia Deaf and Youth Chess Team Russia respectively. The raising star of the disabled chess Danil Khayrullin of Russia with ELO 1328 has overplayed his fellow opponent from Germany Stefan Krause with ELO 1944.
After three rounds of the 1st FIDE World Team Chess Championship in Dresden, the Deaf Poland is leading with 9.5 points, followed by IPCA Russia with 9 points and Team Hungary with 7.5 points./
Let’s see how which team can keep the energy till the end of the competition and become the FIDE World Team Champion for the Disabled!