This scheme is funded by tax money based on the public budget passed by Saxon State Parliament.


Opening ceremony
Drawing of lots

World Chess Championship for Disabled 2017 - Dresden

GM Marcin Tazbir wins 3rd World Chess Championship for the Disabled

DSC 8885 Alle WeltmeisterThe final decision was only made during the last round. Marcin Tazbir (Poland IBCA 1) won with a tiny margin ahead of Oliver Mueller (Germany IBCA Team). Both of them ended on 6 points and Tazbir edged ahead with on more Buchholz point. Third place went to Alexey Pakhomov (Russia IBCA Team) on 5.5 with one Buchholz Point ahead of Raphael Zimmer (Germany IPCA). As the current Junior Chess Championship of the Physically Disabled Raphael showed great strength in Dresden as well.

Oliver Mueller obtained a direct IM title thanks to placing second. He was just as surpised as well as delighted about the title.

Best female player was Svetlana Gerasimova (Russia IPCA) with 4 points. She also gained a direct WIM title. Second place went to Olga Gerasimova (Russia ICCD) with 3.5 points, third place went to Ljubov Kireeva (Russia ICCD, 3.5 points) who also got awarded an WIM norm thanks to her performance.

Looking at the teams Poland IBCA 1 won ahead of Russia IBCA 1 and Russia IPCA 1.

The overall winners are also the winners of the Blind Category. Placing first within the Deaf Players was Artur Kevorkov (Germany) and Raphael Zimmer (Germany) won the Physically Disabled Category.

During the price giving ceremony Phillip Gardner (ICCD President) thanked the players for very fair games and also congratulated the organising team on putting together another great championship. After the prize giving the playing of the national anthems of the countries of the winning player marked the emotional climax of the ceremony. Dr Dirk Jordan (President of the ZMDI) wished everyone safe journey home and hopefully a return visit to Dresden for the 1st World Chess Team Championship for the Disabled (14th – 21th October 2018).


DSC 8748 Dr Dirk Jordan begrust die TeilnehmerDSC 8775 Medals WCCDDSC 8793 ICCD OfficialsDSC 8802 Siegerehrung Dank der Ungarn ICCDDSC 8803 Gebardendolmetscher Frau Mohrer und Frau RosigerDSC 8807 Sandor Konkoly ICCDDSC 8820 President IPCA Zbigniew PilimonDSC 8824 President ICCD Phillip GardnerDSC 8826 Warten auf den TitelDSC 8841a Sieger WCCD IBCA 2017 Oliver Muller Marcin Tazbir Alexey PakhomovDSC 8855 Sieger IPCADSC 8861 Sieger ICCDDSC 8864 Sieger DamenDSC 8866 Direct Title 2017DSC 8870 WIM Norm Ljubov KireevaDSC 8877 1. Team IBCA PolandDSC 8880 3.Platz Team IPCA Rusland DSC 8881 Team Weltmeister Polen IBCADSC 8882 2. Platz Team WCCDDSC 8909 Holger Mende Artur Kevorkov Raphael ZimmerDSC 8912 Best ICCD Artur KevorkovDSC 8914 3. ICCD Mate BalaszDSC 8918 Team ICCD HungaryP1220340 IA Norm fur Eckart Stets FA Norm Karsten Wieland

6th Round - 12th October 2017

With almost a third of all of today's games ending in a draw the tournament remains exciting until the last day! Marcin Tazbir remains on the top of the leader board on 5.5. Both Oliver Mueller of Germany and Alexey Pakhomov of Russia are currently behind on 5 points. It has been an exciting tournament so far and it remains just this until the last day as the main decisions are still outstanding.

Our guest of honour welcoming everyone and making the first move was Ms Barbara Klepsch. She is the state minister for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. She even brushed up on her chess knowledge the night before and was very impressed with the tournament. Herself and her assistant spent quite some time walking amongst the players looking at their games. What an honour to have such high ranking officials amongst the supports of Chess for the Disabled here in Saxony!

DSC 8606 Gunther Kaden Staatsministerin Barbara Klepsch Katrin Dresler DSC 8612 Gruswort von Staatsministerin Barbara Klepsch DSC 8616 First move by State Minister of Social Affairs Barbara Klepsch DSC 8620 Staatsministerin Barbara Klepsch an Brett 1 Viktor Varezhkin Ilia Lipilin DSC 8631 Katrin Dresler Prof. Dr. Jurgen Kluners DSC 8632 Ilia Lipilin IPCA Russia DSC 8634 Dr. Dirk Jordan Staatsministerin Barbara Klepsch Yvonne Ledfus DSC 8639 Krzysztof Jurkiewicz Ljubov Kireeva DSC 8640 Krzysztof Checiak ICCD Poland Zoltan Raibl ICCD Hungary DSC 8641 Oldest player, Josef Hanio of Germany DSC 8646 Reinhold Rippberger IBCA Germany DSC 8650 Phillip Gardner sign interpreter Andrea Rosiger DSC 8662 Dieter Riegler und Volunteer Etienne Patzold DSC 8664 Frank Schellmann IBCA Germany Volunteer Maximilian Polishchuk DSC 8669 Tomasz Miozga IM Dmitrij Scerbin DSC 8672 Istvan Vojan Andrey Tersinsev DSC 8674 Yvonne Ledfus Dr. Dirk Jordan Staatsministerin Barbara Klepsch DSC 8687 Tabellen und Ansetzungen in Rollstuhlfahrerhohe DSC 8601 Jarno Scheffner

5th Round, 10th October 2017

The 5th round resulted in quite a few draws again and every full point was fought for. It is great to see that the final result is still from clear ahead of the rest day. Current leader Marcin Tazbir of Poland is only 0.5 point ahead of 8 other players on 4 points. Todays pictures will be dedicated to our 10 female players participating this year which is an increase compared to the 2015 tournament. Hopefully it will be possible to increase this number even further over the next years.


DSC 8139 Svetlana Gerasimove Russia IPCA DSC 8526 Ljubov Kireeva ICCD RussiaDSC 8527 Anna SErgeeva IPCA RussiaDSC 8531 Natalia Hamzovich ICCD BelarusDSC 8532 Alena Khmaryna ICCD IsraelDSC 8533 Rebeka Frumin IPCA IsraelDSC 8537 Manuela Mekus IPCA GermanyDSC 8539 WIM Marina Kaydanovich IPCA RussiaDSC 8546 WIM Olga Gerasimova ICCD RussiaDSC 8550 WCM Anna Stolarczyk IBCA Poland

4th Round - 9th October 2017

Unlike most rounds so far we had a total of 10 draws which of course is keeping the tournament interesting until the end. Most of the top seed players won their games. Tserenjav Tumenbayar of Mongolia, the current Asian Deaf Champion had a few issues getting here to Dresden but is now very much enjoying himself at the tournament. Despite being not rated he had a good round achieving a draw against Svetlana Gerasimova (ELO 1879) of Russia.

DSC 8417 Audietya Pamarthi India DSC 8419 IA Gerard de Lange Netherlands DSC 8427 IM Rasim Nizam Zbigniew Pilimon DSC 8431 Walter Goelles Austria DSC 8435 Erhard Hentzschel Germany DSC 8438 Guntram Ledfuss opening speech is translated in sign language DSC 8447 Gert Schulz Behindertenbeauftragter vom DSB DSC 8448 Dieter Riegler Steffi Arnhold DSC 8454 First move by Jamie Kenmure GM Marcin Tazbir IBCA Poland DSC 8456 FM Ruslan Draganov IBCA Russia DSC 8466IM Yuri Meshkov DSC 8469Viktor Varezhkin ICCD Russia DSC 8471 Krzysztof Checiak ICCD Poland DSC 8472 Jarno Scheffner Germany DSC 8476 Thomas Rudolf Ljubov Kireeva Andrey Tersinsev Marek Uzialko von links DSC 8493 CM Frank Schellmann DSC 8497 Marat Kozhamuratov IPCA Kasachstan DSC 8500 Maciej Szalko ICCD Poland

Round 3 - 8th October 2017

DSC 8362 Phillip Gardner President ICCDThe volunteers and the organisational team got together for the traditional picture before the start of Round 3. Holger Mende, treasurer of the ICCD made the ceremonial first move on the 1st Board to start the 3rd round. This round saw a lot of hard fought games and long games. Lot of the games were yet again decisive again – only 6 draws in 36 games. In the overall ranking there are currently only 4 players without any points. Therefore, some sort of decision can only be expected after a few more rounds.






DSC 8302 Team WCCD Arbiter VolunteersDSC 8312 Zoltan Raibl ICCD HungaryDSC 8322 First move by Holger Mende Treasurer ICCDDSC 8323 IM Andrej Obodchuk DSC 8326 Ryszard Suder IBCA PolandDSC 8333 Denis Palin IPCA RussiaDSC 8334 Stanislav Babarykin IBCA RussiaDSC 8337 IM Piotr Dukaczewski IBCA PolandDSC 8338 GM Marcin Tazbir IBCA PolandDSC 8339 Manuela Mekus IPCA GermanyDSC 8344 Hosien Khalilabadegan IBCA Germany

2nd Round - 7th October 2017

With the start of Round 2 all teams have been registered and we now have a total of 15 teams that have formed. Yet again, we some very interesting match ups on the boards. Amongst the players we have two reigning World Champions. FM Raphael Zimmer of Germany is the new Junior World Champion for the Disabled. He gained his title at the 1st Junior World Chess Championship for the Disable in Orlando, USA this year in June 2017. The second one is Bulat Kabyzhanov of Kazakhstan, the current blind and deaf World Chess Champion. He won his game again Bulgarian IM Rasim Nizam.

Whilst IPCA President Zbigniew Pilimon is only here to support his players the ICCD President, Phillip K Gardner, is participating himself. Despite having trouble in getting to Dresden he is enjoying the opportunity of practising his moves.


DSC 8177 Tserenjav Tumenbayar aus der MongolaiDSC 8205 IPCA President Zbigniew Pilimon First moveDSC 8211 Volunteer Vincent Laskov IM Piotr DukaczewskiDSC 8213 Bulat Kabyzhanov mit Volunteer Katheryna ZhuralyovaDSC 8216 Andrei Obudchuk Rusland IPCADSC 8223 Ruslan Draganov Tomasz Miozga mit Kar Yan WongDSC 8227 Audietya Pamarti Indien

Round 1 - 6th October 2017

The first round was off to a great start. After everyone settled in, got their volunteer helpers by their side Dr Dirk Jordan welcomed everyone and the clocks were started. GM Thomas Luther, chairman of the FIDE Disabled Commission, made the ceremonial first move on the first board; FM Raphael Zimmer (Germany) against FM Stanislav Babarykin (Russia).

With 10 female players amongst the 70 players there were a few interesting games going on. Quite unexpectedly Jerzy Strzelecki of Poland won his game against IM Dmitrij Scerbin of Russia, along with a few more upsets. Only 4 draws made it a very decisive round which provided some great chess. With most of the rounds over by around 3pm the players had a chance to go over their games, as well as still have time to venture out and see something of Dresden.


DSC 8100 Schiedsrichter IA Daniel Fuchs weist die Volunteers einDSC 8110 Es geht losDSC 8118 GM Thomas Luther macht den symbolischen 1. ZugDSC 8129 Volunteer Kar Yan Wong assistiert Valentin MalyugaDSC 8130 GM Thomas LutherDSC 8134 Maciej Szalko IM Rasim NizamDSC 8138 Ljubov Kireeva Viktor VareshkinDSC 8139 Svetlana Gerasimove Russia IPCA


Opening Ceremony

Hard to believe that two years have gone by that fast and the time for the 3rd World Chess Championship for the Disabled has come.

The 5th October 2017 saw the Opening Ceremony of this ground-breaking tournament take place in Dresden, Germany. 70 players from 11 federations on 3 continents are competing. Dr Dirk Jordan was leading through the programme. Thomas Luther, the chairman of the disabled commission of FIDE, welcomed the participants on behalf of FIDE, highlighting the importance of this particular tournament. He also elaborated on the developments within chess for the Disabled since the last world championship in 2015. Dignitaries and representative of the Saxon State as well as the city of Dresden were present.

Jamie Kenmure, one of the Deputy Arbiters, had the honour of declaring the tournament opened. FM Raphael Zimmer, the newly crowned Junior World Chess Champion for the Disabled, of Germany was responsible for drawing the lots.

The Stadtsportbund (city sports league) presented a little programme with cycle acrobatics and skipping ropes.

The next few days will certainly see a some great games and a warm atmosphere within the playing hall.


DSC 7971 Dr. Dirk Jorden begrust die TeilnehmerDSC 8023 FahnenkinderDSC 8031 GM Thomas Luthers EroffnungsredeDSC 8058 Sportshow des SSB DresdenDSC 8063 Holger Mende ICCD TreasurerDSC 8067 Zbigniew Pilimon President IPCADSC 8089 Jamie Kenmure FideDSC 8091 Lars Kluger. Gunnar Krisch Dr

Regulations 2017


III. World Chess Championship for Disabled 

pdfRegulations German as PDF, pdfRegulations Englisch


We are honored to carry out the World Chess Championship for Disabled from the 05th October to the 13th October 2017 in Dresden under the patronage of the FIDE.


ZMDI Schachfestival Dresden e.V.
Oskar-Mai-Straße 6,
D-01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0)351 416 1629
Fax: +49 (0)351 416 16 39
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The tournament takes place on a biennial basis (2013 – 2015 – 2017 – 2019) and the first three editions are hosted by the ZMDI Schachfestival Dresden e.V. (the Organizer).


The competition is an event only for disabled chess players and each world association (ICCD, IPCA, IBCA) regulates the conditions of participation. It will be held as an individual open Tournament with a separate team ranking.

The teams may represent a national federation or any regional structure of a national federation. All the players must be members of the same federation, however this rule is void if all the members of the team are rated under 2100 or unrated. A registered player must be approved by his/her association or by the Chairman of the Disabled Commission of the FIDE.

Each team consists of four players. A provisional naming of the players has to be given together with the registration of the team. Changes in the team can be made until the technical meeting.

Tournament Hall

Wyndham Garden Dresden
Wilhelm-Franke-Straße 90
01219 Dresden

Telephone: +49 (0)351 21 77 74 02
Telefax: +49 (0)351 21 77 74 99


Thursday, 05. October 2017 16:00 - 17:30 Personal Registration
  18:00 Opening Ceremony
  ca. 19:30 Technical Meeting, Drawing
Friday, 06. October 2017 09:30 1. Round
Saturday, 07. October 2017 09:30 2. Round
Sunday, 08. October 2017 09:30 3. Round
Monday, 09. October 2017 09:30 4. Round
Tuesday, 10. October 2017 09:30 5. Round
Wednesday, 11. October 2017   Free day
Thursday, 12. October 2017 09:30 6. Round
Friday, 13. October 2017 09:30 7. Round
  16:00 Closing Ceremony


Number of Rounds

The competition will be played as a 7 rounds Swiss tournament. There will be one free day.

Time Control
90 min/40 moves + 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an increment of 30 seconds per move/from move one. The waiting period is 15 minutes.

Arrangements for a draw must not occur before the 30th move unless the arbiter comes to a different decision.

Organization Team

Director of the Tournament: Dr. Dirk Jordan (IO, FA)
Tournament Manager Yvonne Ledfuß
Chief Arbiter of the Tournament: Egmont Pönisch (IA)


Titles and Prizes

The winner obtains the title:

“World Chess Champion for Disabled 2017”

In the three kinds of disablements the winner obtains the title:


physically disabled “World Chess Championship for Disabled – Winner of Physically Disabled Section 2017” Gehörlose “World Chess Championship for Disabled – Winner of Deaf Section 2017” Blinde “World Chess Championship for Disabled – Winner of Braille Section 2017"


In the team competition:

“World Chess Team Champion of Disabled 2017”

The winners shall obtain gold, silver and bronze medals provided by the organizer.


The ranking depends on the number of points each player has reached. The rules of the ranking concerning a tie will be announced during the Technical Meeting.

Entry fee

€ 50 per player.
Registering and/or receiving payment of the entry fee after the 15th of September 2017 a late registration fee of 20,00€ will be due.
Please pay to the bank account of the ZMDI Schachfestival Dresden e.V.,

ZMDI Schachfestival Dresden e.V.
IBAN: DE 91 850 503 00 312 0070 105


Bank: Ostsächsische Sparkasse
Reason for payment „Entry fee Disabled and Name“.


A fee of 50€ is to be paid to the FIDE. This fee has been established on the part of the DIS of the FIDE at the 2016 congress in Baku. The FIDE fee can be paid directly to the FIDE through the national federation. Alternatively the organizers are willing to gather the fee and pay it forward to the FIDE collectively.

If the entry fee is not paid until the end of round 2, these players will not be paired in subsequent rounds.


Please find the minutes of the FIDE General Assembly and the Disabled Commission Meeting regarding the FIDE Fee under the following links:

87th FIDE Congress: General Assembly Minutes and Annexes

FIDE Commission "Chess for Disabled" - Minutes of Meeting in Tallinn


Please also pay attention to points 15.2 to 15.4 of the General Regulations for FIDE Competitions.

1 D 01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions 14.

2 D 01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions 15.1

3 D 01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions 19.


You get the ordered accommodations in Wyndham Garden Dresden (4-star-hotel in a good location) for a special chess fare:

Price per Personincl. breakfast
Double room € 38,50
Single room € 62,00


Dinner is 20,00 € per Person including mineral water.

The bill has to be paid on the day of arrival at the reception of the hotel.


Arrival and Departure, Airport Dresden to the Wyndham Garden and back or to other handicapped accessible hotels will be arranged on request by the organizers to a reasonable price.

Social Program

Touristic events will be organized.


Registrations have to be submitted through the national federations or through organizations affiliated with the FIDE (IBCA, ICCD, IPCA).
The complete registration form must include the surname/s, first name/s, FIDE ID number, FIDE rating and passport number (for visa only purpose) of each player and each accompanying person.

Entry forms must be sent by email to the Organizing Committee not later than
September 15th 2017.

The organizer would like to ask for a preregistration until July 31st 2017.


ZMDI Schachfestival Dresden e.V., Oskar-Mai-Straße 6, D-01159 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0)351 416 1629
Fax: +49 (0)351 416 16 39
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Mistakes and modifications reserved, Dresden, 10.02.2017)
If in doubt the English version of the regulations will apply.