This scheme is funded by tax money based on the public budget passed by Saxon State Parliament.


Drawing of lots
Flag bearers
Nigel Freeman

4th FIDE World Chess Championships for People with Disabilities

We are only 2 days away from the start of the 4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities


Banner 2021With the start of the tournament only 2 days away we are delighted to share the final list of participants for the tournament. It is so great to see almost 250 players from 45 countries take part in this World Championship! There are some familiar names on the list but we are also so happy to have some players that have the chance to finally play thanks to the tournament being player online.

The tournament will start with the technical meeting and a test round this Thursday, 4th November. Once this has been completed you can follow the pairings and results on Chess Results.