This scheme is funded by tax money based on the public budget passed by Saxon State Parliament.


Flag bearers
Nigel Freeman
Drawing of lots

4th FIDE World Chess Championships for People with Disabilities

Registration for the 4th FIDE World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities has now closed


IMG 6341The registration for the 4th World Chess Championship for People with Disabilities has now closed.


We are looking forward to starting the tournament on the 4th November and the startlist can be found here on Chess-Results.

Some of the registrations that were received did not have all the required details on them. This meant that not all of them were able to be processed fully. If you can't find your name on the start list please get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possbile to make sure that you can take part in the tournament!